BitVector: A Memory-Efficient Pure-Python Class for Representing and Manipulating Bit Arrays

Version:  1.1

Author:  Avinash Kak (

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The BitVector class is for a memory-efficient packed representation of bit
arrays and for logical operations on such arrays.
The core idea used in this Python script for bit packing is based on an
internet posting by Josiah Carlson to the Pyrex mailing list.

The following methods/operators are supported by the BitVector class:

  1. __getitem__
  2. __setitem__
  3. __len__
  4. __iter__
  5. __getslice__
  6. __str__
  7. |       for bitwise or
  8. &     for bitwise and
  9. ^     for bitwise xor
  10. ~     for bitwise inversion
  11. <<   for circular rotation left
  12. >>   for circular rotation right
  13. +     for concatenating two bit vectors
  14. divide_into_two
  15. permute
  16. unpermute
  17. read_bits_from_file
  18. write_to_file
  19. read_bits_from_fileobject
  20. write_bits_to_fileobject


There are five different ways in which you can construct a bit vector.

(1): You can construct a bit vector directly from either a tuple or a list of bits, as in

bv =  BitVector( bits = (1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1) ) 

You can construct a bit vector from an integer by

bv =  BitVector( intVal = 56789 )

The bits stored now will correspond to the binary representation of                    
the integer. 

(3): You can create a zero-initialized bit vector of a given size by

bv  = BitVector( size = 62 ) 

This bit vector will hold exactly 62 bits, all initialized to the                      
0 bit value.

(4): You can construct a bit vector from a disk file by a two-step procedure. First you construct an instance of bit vector by

bv  =  BitVector( filename = 'somefile' ) 

This bit vector itself is incapable of holding the bits.  To                           
now create bit vectors that actually hold the bits, you need                           
to make the following sort of a call on the above variable bv:  

bv1 =  bv.read_bits_from_file( 64 ) 

bv1 will be a regular bit vector containing 64 bits from the disk 
file. If you want to re-read a file from the beginning for some                        
reason, you must obviously first close the file object that was                        
acquired with a call to the BitVector constructor with a filename                      
argument.  This can be accomplished by 


(5): Yet another way to construct a bit vector is to read the bits directly from a file-like object, as in

x = "111100001111"

         fileobj = StringIO.StringIO( x )
         bv = BitVector( fp = fileobj )


Since the BitVector class implements the __str__ method, a
bit vector can be displayed on a terminal by  

    print bitvec


Any single bit of a bit vector bv can be set to 1 or 0 by

          bv[M] = 1_or_0

         print bv[M]

for setting the bit at the position that is indexed M. You can retrieve
the bit at position M by


A slice of a bit vector obtained by


is a bit vector constructed from the bits at index positions                           
from i through j-1. 

You can iterate over a bit vector, as illustrated by

for item in bitvec:

            print item,


Given two bit vectors bv1 and bv2, you can perform bitwise logical
operations on them by

result_bv  =  bv1 | bv2

         result_bv = bv1 & bv2
         result_bv = bv1 ^ bv2
         result_bv = ~ bv1


Additional operations supported on bit vectors are

bv_permuted     =  bv.permute( permutation_list )

         bv_unpermuted = bv.unpermute( permutation_list )

The unpermute() method undoes the permutation carried out by
the permute() method.  For a given bit vector, an application
of permute() following by an application of unpermute(),
both invoked with the same permutation list, will restore the original bit vector.

The BitVector class also supports the following circular shift operations:

           bitvec << N 

         bitvec >> N

for a circular rotation by N bit positions to the left and to the right.

A bit vector containing an even number of bits can be divided into two equal halves by

    [left_bitbvec, right_bitvec] = bitvec.divide_into_two() 

where left_bitvec and right_bitvec hold references
to the two returned bit vectors.  (This is useful in block encryption 
studies where you want to divide the input bit blocks into two halves and
operate on them separately before joining them up again.)  Two bitvectors
can be concatenated by

    new_bitvic = bitvec1 + bitvec2  

The bit vector returned by '+' will be a
concatenation of bitvec1 and bitvec2.

A bit vector can be written out to a file-like object by

bitvec.write_bits_to_fileobject( fileobj )

This can, for example, be used to write the bits out in StringIO
operations, as illustrated by

fp_write = StringIO.StringIO() 

         bv.write_bits_to_fileobject( fp_write )

We may subsequently retrieve the bit string from the file object by

print fp_write.getvalue()


The bits of a bit array are stored in 16-bit unsigned ints. After resolving the argument with which the constructor is called (which happens in lines (A2) through (A46)), the very first thing that the constructor does is to figure out in line (A47) as to how many of those 2-byte ints it needs for the bits. For example, if you wanted to store a 64-bit array, the variable 'two_byte_ints_needed' in line (A47) would be set to 4. (This does not mean that the size of a bit vector must be a multiple of 16. Any sized bit vectors can constructed using the required number of two-byte ints.) Line (A48) then creates an array of 2-byte ints and initializes it with the required number of zeros. Lines (A49) then shifts the bits into the array of two-byte ints.

As mentioned above, note that it is not necessary for the size of the vector to be a multiple of 16 even though we are using C's unsigned short as as a basic unit for storing the bit arrays. The class BitVector keeps track of the actual number of bits in the bit vector through the "size" instance attribute.

With regard to the code in lines (A2) through (A46), note that the constructor must be called with a single keyword argument, which determines how the bit vector will be constructed. Lines (A10) through (A17) are for the following sort of a call

bv = BitVector( filename = 'myfilename' )

This calls returns a bit vector on which you must subsequently invoke
the 'read_bits_from_file' method to actually obtain a bit vector
consisting of the bits that constitute the information stored in the
file.  Lines (A18) through (A23) are for the case when you want to
construct a bit vector by reading the bits off a file-like object, as in

x = "111100001111"

         fileobj = StringIO.StringIO( x )
         bv = BitVector( fp = fileobj )

Lines (A24) through (A28) are for constructing a bit vector with                           
just the size information, as in  

bv = BitVector( size = 61 )

This returns a bit vector that will hold exactly 61 bits, all
initialized to the zero value.  Lines (A29) through (A40) are for the
case when you want to construct a bit vector from an integer, as in

bv = BitVector( intVal = 123456 )

The bits stored in the bit vector will correspond to the binary
representation of the integer argument provided. Finally, lines (A41)
through (A44) are for the following direct approach to the construction
of a bit vector:

bv = BitVector( bits = (1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1) )

Now the bit vector constructed will be initialized at the same time with
the supplied bits.


The author is grateful to Oleg Broytmann for suggesting many
improvements that have now been incorporated in this version of the
BitVector class.


Avi Kak is the author of "Programming with Objects: A
Comparative Presentation of Object-Oriented Programming with C++ and
Java", published by John-Wiley & Sons, New York, 2003.
This book presents a new approach to the combined learning of two large
object-oriented languages, C++ and Java.  It is being used as a text in
a number of educational programs around the world.  This book has also
been translated into Chinese.  For further information, visit

import sys
import array
import exceptions
import operator

_hexdict = { '0' : '0000', '1' : '0001', '2' : '0010', '3' : '0011',
             '4' : '0100', '5' : '0101', '6' : '0110', '7' : '0111',
             '8' : '1000', '9' : '1001', 'a' : '1010', 'b' : '1011',
             'c' : '1100', 'd' : '1101', 'e' : '1110', 'f' : '1111' }

def _readblock( blocksize, FILEIN ):                                 #(R1)
    global hexdict                                                   #(R2)
    bitstring = ''                                                   #(R3)
    i = 0                                                            #(R4)
    while ( i < blocksize / 8 ):                                     #(R5)
        i += 1                                                       #(R6)
        byte =                                        #(R7)
        if byte == '':                                               #(R8)
            return bitstring                                         #(R9)
        hexvalue = hex( ord( byte ) )                               #(R10)
        hexvalue = hexvalue[2:]                                     #(R11)
        if len( hexvalue ) == 1:                                    #(R12)
            hexvalue = '0' + hexvalue                               #(R13)
        bitstring += _hexdict[ hexvalue[0] ]                        #(R14)
        bitstring += _hexdict[ hexvalue[1] ]                        #(R15)
    return bitstring                                                #(R16)

class BitVector( object ):                                           #(A1)

    def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):                           #(A2)
        if args:                                                     #(A3)
               raise ValueError(
                      '''BitVector constructor can only be called
                         with keyword arguments for the following
                         keywords: filename, fp (for fileobject),
                         size, intValue, or bits (for a tuple of
        filename = fp = size = intVal = bits = None                  #(A4)
        if kwargs.has_key('filename'):filename=kwargs.pop('filename')#(A5)
        if kwargs.has_key('fp'):           fp = kwargs.pop('fp')     #(A6)
        if kwargs.has_key('size'):       size = kwargs.pop('size')   #(A7)
        if kwargs.has_key('intVal'):   intVal = kwargs.pop('intVal') #(A8)
        if kwargs.has_key('bits'):       bits = kwargs.pop('bits')   #(A9)

        if filename:                                                #(A10)
            if fp or size or intVal or bits:                        #(A11)
                raise ValueError(                                   #(A12)
                  '''When filename is specified, you cannot
                     give values to any other constructor args''')
            self.filename = filename                                #(A13)
            self.FILEIN = open( filename, 'rb' )                    #(A14)
            self.size = 0                                           #(A15)
            self.more_to_read = True                                #(A16)
            return                                                  #(A17)
        elif fp:                                                    #(A18)
            if filename or size or intVal or bits:                  #(A19)
                raise ValueError(                                   #(A20)
                  '''When fileobject is specified, you cannot       
                     give values to any other constructor args''')
            bits = self.read_bits_from_fileobject( fp )             #(A21)
            bits =  map( lambda x: int(x), bits )                   #(A22)
            self.size = len( bits )                                 #(A23)
        elif size:                                                  #(A24)
            if filename or fp or intVal or bits:                    #(A25)
                raise ValueError(                                   #(A26)
                  '''When size is specified, you cannot
                     give values to any other constructor args''')
            self.size = size                                        #(A27)
            bits = tuple( [0] * size )                              #(A28)
        elif intVal:                                                #(A29)
            if filename or fp or size or bits:                      #(A30)
                raise ValueError(                                   #(A31)
                  '''When intVal is specified, you cannot
                     give values to any other constructor args''')
            hexVal = hex( intVal )                                  #(A32)
            hexVal = hexVal[2:]                                     #(A33)
            if len( hexVal ) == 1:                                  #(A34)
                hexVal = '0' + hexVal                               #(A35)
            bits = []                                               #(A36)
            for item in hexVal[:]:                                  #(A37)
                bits += _hexdict[item][:]                           #(A38)
            bits =  map( lambda x: int(x), bits )                   #(A39)
            self.size = len( bits )                                 #(A40)
        elif bits:                                                  #(A41)
            if filename or fp or size or intVal:                    #(A42)
                raise ValueError(                                   #(A43)
                  '''When bits are specified, you cannot
                     give values to any other constructor args''')
            self.size = len( bits )                                 #(A44)
        else:                                                       #(A45)
            raise ValueError("wrong arg(s) for constructor")        #(A46) 
        two_byte_ints_needed = (len(bits) + 15) // 16               #(A47)
        self.vector = array.array( 'H', [0]*two_byte_ints_needed )  #(A48)
        map( self._setbit, enumerate(bits), bits)                   #(A49)

    # Set the bit at the designated position to the value shown:
    def _setbit( self, posn, val ):                                  #(B1)
        if val not in (0, 1):                                        #(B2)
            raise ValueError( "incorrect value for a bit" )          #(B3)
        if isinstance( posn, (tuple) ):                              #(B4)
            posn = posn[0]                                           #(B5)
        if posn >= self.size:                                        #(B6)
            raise exceptions.ValueError, "index range error"         #(B7)   
        block_index = posn // 16                                     #(B8)
        shift = posn & 15                                            #(B9)
        cv = self.vector[block_index]                               #(B10)
        if ( cv >> shift ) & 1 != val:                              #(B11)
            self.vector[block_index] = cv ^ (1 << shift)            #(B12)

    # Get the bit from the designated position:
    def _getbit( self, posn ):                                       #(C1)
        if posn >= self.size:                                        #(C2)
            raise ValueError( "index range error" )                  #(C3)   
        return ( self.vector[posn//16] >> (posn&15) ) & 1            #(C4)

    # Take a bitwise 'xor' of the bit vector on which the method is
    # invoked with the argument bit vector.  Return the result as
    # a new bit vector:
    def __xor__(self, other):                                        #(E1)
        if self.size != other.size:                                  #(E2)
            raise AttributeError( "bitvecs unequal in size" )        #(E3)
        res = BitVector( size = self.size )                          #(E4)
        res.vector = map(operator.__xor__, self.vector, other.vector)#(E5) 
        return res                                                   #(E6)

    # Take a bitwise 'and' of the bit vector on which the method is
    # invoked with the argument bit vector.  Return the result as
    # a new bit vector:
    def __and__(self, other):                                        #(F1)
        if self.size != other.size:                                  #(F2)
            raise AttributeError( "bitvecs unequal in size" )        #(F3)
        res = BitVector( size = self.size )                          #(F4)
        res.vector = map(operator.__and__, self.vector, other.vector)#(F5)
        return res                                                   #(F6)

    # Take a bitwise 'or' of the bit vector on which the method is
    # invoked with the argument bit vector.  Return the result as
    # a new bit vector:
    def __or__(self, other):                                         #(G1)
        if self.size != other.size:                                  #(G2)
            raise AttributeError( "bitvecs unequal in size" )        #(G3)
        res = BitVector( size = self.size )                          #(G4)
        res.vector = map( operator.__or__, self.vector, other.vector)#(G5)
        return res                                                   #(G6)

    # Invert the bits in the bit vector on which the method is
    # invoked and return the result as a new bit vector:
    def __invert__(self):                                            #(H1)
        res = BitVector( size = self.size )                          #(H2)
        res.vector = map( operator.__inv__, self.vector )            #(H3)
        return res                                                   #(H4)

    # Concatenate the argument bit vector with the bit vector
    # on which the method is invoked.  Return the concatenated
    # bit vector as a new BitVector object:
    def __add__(self, other):                                        #(J1)
        i = 0                                                        #(J2)
        outlist = []                                                 #(J3)
        while ( i < self.size ):                                     #(J4)
            outlist.append( self[i] )                                #(J5)
            i += 1                                                   #(J6)
        i = 0                                                        #(J7)
        while ( i < other.size ):                                    #(J8)
            outlist.append( other[i] )                               #(J9)
            i += 1                                                  #(J10)
        return BitVector( bits = outlist )                          #(J11)

    # Return the number of bits in a bit vector:
    def _getsize(self):                                              #(K1)
        return self.size                                             #(K2)

    # When reading in a loop from a file that contains an
    # exact  multiple of blocksize/8 bytes, the flag
    # self.more_to_read will be set to false only in the
    # next iteration of the loop after the last blocksize
    # bits have been.  Therefore, the user of this function
    # must check that this function has actually returned
    # a non-zero number of bytes.  This can be done by
    # making sure that len(bitvec) is greater than zero
    # for each bit vector constructed from the bitstring
    # returned by this function.
    def read_bits_from_file(self, blocksize):                        #(L1)
        error_str = '''You need to first construct a BitVector
        object with a filename as  argument'''                       #(L2)
        if self.filename == None:                                    #(L3)
            raise SyntaxError( error_str )                           #(L4)
        bitstring = _readblock( blocksize, self.FILEIN )             #(L5)
        if len(bitstring) < blocksize:                               #(L6)
            self.more_to_read = False                                #(L7)
        bitlist = map( lambda x: int(x), list( bitstring ) )         #(L8)
        return BitVector( bits = tuple(bitlist) )                    #(L9)

    # This function is meant to read a bit string from a
    # file like object.
    def read_bits_from_fileobject( self, fp ):                       #(M1)
        bits = []                                                    #(M2)
        while True:                                                  #(M3)
            bit =                                          #(M4)
            if bit == '': return bits                                #(M5)
            bits += bit                                              #(M6)

    # This function is meant to write a bit vector directly to
    # a file like object.  Note that whereas 'write_to_file'
    # method creates a memory footprint that corresponds exactly
    # to the bit vector, the 'write_bits_to_fileobject' actually
    # writes out the 1's and 0's as individual items to the
    # file object.  That makes this method convenient for
    # creating a string representation of a bit vector,
    # especially if you use the StringIO class, as shown in
    # the test code.
    def write_bits_to_fileobject( self, fp ):                        #(N1)
        for bit_index in range(self.size):                           #(N2)
            if self[bit_index] == 0:                                 #(N3)
                fp.write( '0' )                                      #(N4)
            else:                                                    #(N5)
                fp.write( '1' )                                      #(N6)

    # Divides an even-sized bit vector into two and returns
    # the two halves as a list of two bit vectors.
    def divide_into_two(self):                                       #(P1)
        if self.size % 2 != 0:                                       #(P2)
            raise ValueError( "must have even num bits" )            #(P3)
        i = 0                                                        #(P4)
        outlist1 = []                                                #(P5)
        while ( i < self.size /2 ):                                  #(P6)
            outlist1.append( self[i] )                               #(P7)
            i += 1                                                   #(P8)
        outlist2 = []                                                #(P9)
        while ( i < self.size ):                                    #(P10)
            outlist2.append( self[i] )                              #(P11)
            i += 1                                                  #(P12)
        return [ BitVector( bits = outlist1 ),
                 BitVector( bits = outlist2 ) ]                     #(P13)

    # Permute a bit vector according to the indices shown in the
    # second argument list.  Return the permuted bit vector as a
    # new bit vector.
    def permute(self, permute_list):                                 #(Q1)
        if max(permute_list) > self.size -1:                         #(Q2)
            raise ValueError( "Bad permutation index" )              #(Q3)
        outlist = []                                                 #(Q4)
        i = 0                                                        #(Q5)
        while ( i < len( permute_list ) ):                           #(Q6)
            outlist.append( self[ permute_list[i] ] )                #(Q7)
            i += 1                                                   #(Q8)
        return BitVector( bits = outlist )                           #(Q9)

    # Unpermute the bit vector according to the permutation list
    # supplied as the second argument.  If you first permute a
    # bit vector by using permute() and then unpermute() it using
    # the same permutation list, you will get back the original bit
    # vector.
    def unpermute(self, permute_list):                               #(S1)
        if max(permute_list) > self.size -1:                         #(S2)
            raise exceptions.ValueError, "Bad permutation index"     #(S3)
        if self.size != len( permute_list ):                         #(S4)
            raise exceptions.ValueError,"Bad size for permute list"  #(S5)
        out_bv = BitVector( size = self.size )                       #(S6)
        i = 0                                                        #(S7)
        while ( i < len(permute_list) ):                             #(S8)
            out_bv[ permute_list[i] ] = self[i]                      #(S9)
            i += 1                                                  #(S10)
        return out_bv                                               #(S11)

    # Contributed by Joe Davidson
    # Write the bitvector to the file object file_out.           
    # (A file object is returned by a call to open()).           
    # Hopefully the bitvector is a multiple of 8 bits ...
    # Each byte treated as MSB first (0th index)
    def write_to_file(self, file_out):                               #(T1)
        for byte in range(self.size/8 ):                             #(T2)
            value = 0                                                #(T3)
            for bit in range(8):                                     #(T4)
                value += (self._getbit( byte*8 + (7 - bit) ) << bit )#(T5)
            file_out.write( chr(value) )                             #(T6)

    # For closing a file object that was used for reading
    # the bits into one or more BitVector objects
    def close_file_object(self):                                     #(U1)
        if self.filename == None:                                    #(U2)
            raise exceptions.SyntaxError, "No associated open file"  #(U3)
        self.FILEIN.close()                                          #(U4)

    # For an in-place left circular shift by n bit positions:
    def __lshift__( self, n ):                                       #(V1)
        for i in range(n):                                           #(V2)
            self.circular_rotate_left_by_one()                       #(V3)

    # For an in-place right circular shift by n bit positions:
    def __rshift__( self, n ):                                       #(W1)
        for i in range(n):                                           #(W2)
            self.circular_rotate_right_by_one()                      #(W3)

    # For a one-bit in-place left circular shift:
    def circular_rotate_left_by_one(self):                           #(X1)
        size = len(self.vector)                                      #(X2)
        bitstring_leftmost_bit = self.vector[0] & 1                  #(X3)
        left_most_bits = map(operator.__and__, self.vector, [1]*size)#(X4)
        left_most_bits.append(left_most_bits[0])                     #(X5)
        del(left_most_bits[0])                                       #(X6)
        self.vector = map(operator.__rshift__, self.vector, [1]*size)#(X7)
        self.vector = map( operator.__or__, self.vector, \
             map(operator.__lshift__, left_most_bits, [15]*size) )   #(X8)
        self._setbit(self.size -1, bitstring_leftmost_bit)           #(X9)

    # For a one-bit in-place right circular shift:
    def circular_rotate_right_by_one(self):                          #(Y1)
        size = len(self.vector)                                      #(Y2)
        bitstring_rightmost_bit = self[self.size - 1]                #(Y3)
        right_most_bits = map( operator.__and__,
                               self.vector, [0x8000]*size )          #(Y4)
        map( operator.__and__, self.vector, [~0x8000]*size )         #(Y5)
        right_most_bits.insert(0, bitstring_rightmost_bit)           #(Y6)
        right_most_bits.pop()                                        #(Y7)
        self.vector = map(operator.__lshift__, self.vector, [1]*size)#(Y8)
        self.vector = map( operator.__or__, self.vector, \
             map(operator.__rshift__, right_most_bits, [15]*size) )  #(Y9)
        self._setbit(0, bitstring_rightmost_bit)                    #(Y10)

    # This is merely another implementation of the method
    # circular_rotate_left_by_one() shown above.  This one
    # does NOT use map functions.  This method carries out a
    # one-bit left circular shift of a bit vector.
    def circular_rot_left(self):                                     #(Z1)
        max_index = (self.size -1)  // 16                            #(Z2)
        left_most_bit = self.vector[0] & 1                           #(Z3)
        self.vector[0] = self.vector[0] >> 1                         #(Z4)
        for i in range(1, max_index + 1):                            #(Z5)
            left_bit = self.vector[i] & 1                            #(Z6)
            self.vector[i] = self.vector[i] >> 1                     #(Z7)
            self.vector[i-1] |= left_bit << 15                       #(Z8)
        self._setbit(self.size -1, left_most_bit)                    #(Z9)

    # This is merely another implementation of the method
    # circular_rotate_right_by_one() shown above.  This one
    # does NOT use map functions.  This method does a one-bit
    # right circular shift of a bit vector.
    def circular_rot_right(self):                                    #(a1)
        max_index = (self.size -1)  // 16                            #(a2)
        right_most_bit = self[self.size - 1]                         #(a3)
        self.vector[max_index] &= ~0x8000                            #(a4)
        self.vector[max_index] = self.vector[max_index] << 1         #(a5)
        for i in range(max_index-1, -1, -1):                         #(a6)
            right_bit = self.vector[i] & 0x8000                      #(a7)
            self.vector[i] &= ~0x8000                                #(a8)
            self.vector[i] = self.vector[i] << 1                     #(a9)
            self.vector[i+1] |= right_bit >> 15                     #(a10)
        self._setbit(0, right_most_bit)                             #(a11)

    # Allow array like subscripting for getting and setting:
    __getitem__ = _getbit                                            #(b1)
    __setitem__ = _setbit                                            #(b2)

    # Allow slicing with [i:j], [:], etc.
    def __getslice__(self, i, j):                                    #(c1)
        slicebits = []                                               #(c2)
        if j > self.size: j = self.size                              #(c3)
        for x in range(i,j):                                         #(c4)
            slicebits.append( self[x] )                              #(c5)
        return BitVector( bits = slicebits )                         #(c6)

    # Allow len() to work:
    __len__ = _getsize                                               #(d1)

    # To allow iterations over a bit vector:
    def __iter__( self ):                                            #(e1)
        return BitVectorIterator( self )                             #(e2)

    # To create a print representation
    def __str__( self ):                                             #(f1)
        if self.size == 0:                                           #(f2)
            return ''                                                #(f3)
        return ''.join( map( lambda x: str(x), self ) )              #(f4)

class BitVectorIterator:                                             #(g1)
    def __init__( self, bitvec ):                                    #(g2)
        self.items = bitvec[:]                                       #(g3)
        self.index = -1                                              #(g4)

    def __iter__( self ):                                            #(g5)
        return self                                                  #(g6)

    def next( self ):                                                #(g7)
        self.index += 1                                              #(g8)
        if self.index < len( self.items ):                           #(g9)
            return self.items[ self.index ]                         #(g10)
        else:                                                       #(q11)
            raise StopIteration                                     #(g12)

#------------------------  End of Class Definition -----------------------

#------------------------     Test Code Follows    -----------------------

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Construct a bit vector with a tuple of bits:
    bv1 = BitVector( bits = (1, 0, 0, 1) )
    print bv1                                   # 1001

    # Construct a bit vector with a list of bits:    
    bv2 = BitVector( bits = [1, 1, 0, 1] )
    print bv2                                   # 1101

    # Construct a bit vector from an integer
    bv = BitVector( intVal = 5678 )
    print bv                                    # 0001011000101110

    # Construct a bit vector directly from a file-like object:
    import StringIO
    x = "111100001111"
    fp_read = StringIO.StringIO( x )
    bv = BitVector( fp = fp_read )
    print bv                                    # 111100001111 
    # Create a string representation of a bit vector:
    fp_write = StringIO.StringIO()
    bv.write_bits_to_fileobject( fp_write )
    print fp_write.getvalue()                   # 111100001111 

    # Show array like access for getting and setting:
    print bv2[2]                                # 0
    bv2[2] = 1
    print bv2                                   # 1111
    bv2[2] = 0

    # Experiments with bit-wise logical operations:
    bv3 = bv1 | bv2                              
    print bv3                                   # 1101
    bv3 = bv1 & bv2
    print bv3                                   # 1001    
    bv3 = bv1 + bv2
    print bv3                                   # 10011101
    bv4 = BitVector( size = 3 )
    print bv4                                   # 000
    bv5 = bv3 + bv4
    print bv5                                   # 10011101000
    bv6 = ~bv5
    print bv6                                   # 01100010111
    bv7 = bv5 & bv6
    print bv7                                   # 00000000000
    bv7 = bv5 | bv6
    print bv7                                   # 11111111111

    # Try setbit and getsize:
    bv7[7] = 0
    print bv7                                   # 11111110111
    print len( bv7 )                            # 11
    bv8 = (bv5 & bv6) ^ bv7
    print bv8                                   # 11111110111
    # Construct a bit vector from a LIST of bits:
    bv = BitVector( bits= [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1] )
    print bv                                    # 0010010100101001

    # Construct a bit vector from a file:
    bv = BitVector( filename = 'junk.txt' )
    print bv                                    # nothing to show
    bv1 = bv.read_bits_from_file(64)    
    print bv1
         # 0100000100100000011010000111010101101110011001110111001001111001
    bv2 = bv.read_bits_from_file(64)    
    print bv2
         # 0010000001100010011100100110111101110111011011100010000001100110
    bv3 = bv1 ^ (bv2)
    print bv3
         # 0110000101000010000110100001101000011001000010010101001000011111

    # Divide into two bit vectors:
    [bv4, bv5] = bv3.divide_into_two()
    print bv4                            # 01100001010000100001101000011010
    print bv5                            # 00011001000010010101001000011111

    # Permute a bit vector:
    bv1 = BitVector( bits = [1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1] )
    print bv1                                    # 1001101
    bv2 = bv1.permute( [6, 2, 0, 1] )
    print bv2                                    # 1010
    bv3 = BitVector( bits = [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1] )
    print bv3                                    # 1100011
    bv4 = bv1 & bv3 
    print bv4                                    # 1000001

    # Read a file from the beginning to end:
    bv = BitVector( filename = 'junk3.txt' )
    while (bv.more_to_read):
        bv_read = bv.read_bits_from_file( 64 )
        if len( bv_read ) > 0:
            print bv_read

    # Experiment with closing a file object and start
    # extracting bit vectors from the file from
    # the beginning again:
    bv = BitVector( filename = 'junk3.txt' )
    bv1 = bv.read_bits_from_file(64)        
    print bv1           
    FILEOUT = open( 'junk4.txt', 'w' )
    bv1.write_to_file( FILEOUT )

    # Experiment in 64-bit permutation and unpermutation:
    # The permutation array was generated separately by the
    # Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm:
    bv2 = bv1.permute( [22, 47, 33, 36, 18, 6, 32, 29, 54, 62, 4,
                        9, 42, 39, 45, 59, 8, 50, 35, 20, 25, 49,
                        15, 61, 55, 60, 0, 14, 38, 40, 23, 17, 41,
                        10, 57, 12, 30, 3, 52, 11, 26, 43, 21, 13,
                        58, 37, 48, 28, 1, 63, 2, 31, 53, 56, 44, 24,
                        51, 19, 7, 5, 34, 27, 16, 46] )
    print bv2

    bv3 = bv2.unpermute( [22, 47, 33, 36, 18, 6, 32, 29, 54, 62, 4,
                          9, 42, 39, 45, 59, 8, 50, 35, 20, 25, 49,
                          15, 61, 55, 60, 0, 14, 38, 40, 23, 17, 41,
                          10, 57, 12, 30, 3, 52, 11, 26, 43, 21, 13,
                          58, 37, 48, 28, 1, 63, 2, 31, 53, 56, 44, 24,
                          51, 19, 7, 5, 34, 27, 16, 46] )    
    print bv3

    # Try circular shifts to the left and to the right
    print bv3
    bv3 << 7
    print bv3
    bv3 >> 7
    print bv3

    # Test len()    
    print len( bv3 )                      # 64

    # Test slicing
    bv4 = bv3[5:22]
    print bv4                             # 00100100000011010

    # Test the iterator:
    for item in bv4:
        print item,                       # 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0